My "Dragnet" Playlist

13 January 2015

Update: dogs

So here's an update.

We had to put our brown lab, Ranger, down on Jan. 6(?) 2014.

Then we were "given" a new puppy...named Kitty, but we changed it to


Her first camping trip...I should've put my cowboy boot there, but my dad's hiking boot was good enough!

She went on a "mountain" hike with us! But had to carry her out because she was soooo tired, thanks for one of our friends who was willing to carry her for me. Haha

Them big eyes...

Small Casey

One of her fans...

The same fan holding her...


Thank goodness no more kennel!


Big Casey

Wet Casey and Rebel

Fishing Casey...she loves the hook too...

Three Dog Night


Cousin Copper....

One year old - 2015

05 January 2014

South Carolina "The Yorktown" / Photography

A battleship...(a replica)...of the USS Yorktown, a WWII aircraft carrier! It was SO much fun!!
We got to go to the submarine afterwards...and inside it was so small! Yet fun!
Both vessels my dad lived in for a while...finally experienced it! :)

Beginning: The USS Yorktown

Guns outside the entrance...

The bell on the ship.

This is the lockers...

Engine...these are out of


Torpedo factory on ship!

Games for the sailors

First Aid

Hook and Chains

Desk...for like meetings and information...

Doctor's tools...

Laundry press

Dirty laundry

Doctor's clothing. Sink....




In ships control room...


Speaker...CALLING ALL DECKS, This is your Captain speaking...

life vests...I believe...

In the meeting room..."This is where we're goin' and this is when it'll happen and how..."


On top of the flight deck - Helicopter 



Double O 7! Didn't realize it till now...

US Marines


Communication box

On the Bridge

Captain's view


Top view

Cousin view

Look out


Escape/Emergency ship

Top of Submarine

On the ships deck...


Submarine - Mess Hall
Marines flag...

Bunks on ship

More bunks...where the Marines slept


Airplane in hanger

On deck

Fire hose...



Submarine door (see told ya these were outta order!)




So Yeah it was very exciting and this was on the day of Jonathan and Anna's wedding! :) The morning that is...had lots of fun at both events! And it was very cold when we went to this thing...:)

Book List

  • The Outsiders: early 60s, Greasers, Socs, fights. One of my friends said it is a good book so i read it, also cos i liked the time period, 60s. its about a group of boys (Greasers, as their kind are called). the main charactor, Ponyboy, and his two older brothers, struggles with family and death, but together the group IS a family. its happy/sad.Its definetly a teen book, 13 and older. PLus i found it in the teen section of the library!
  • The Hobbit: another great story!
  • Shadows On the Sea: Same as above, it takes place during WWII. and its Adventure/mystery. A girl who staying away from home and she meets knew friends and some that dis like her. She faces struggles but when some one comes in one night...
  • Louis L'Amour books: Second or first favorite writer!
  • Lord of the Rings: the best series!
  • Jane Eyre: Read it...its about an orphan girl...thats all im gonna say. Its just so fun and mysterious!
  • How To Kill a Mockingbird: Its takes place in the 30s or 40s. The title gets a person interested in it. its a wonderful book. and very mysterious and adventurous!
  • Harry Potter
  • Hank the Cowdog series: Just a lot of laughs!! And great for the family!!
  • Bible: Only way to learn about God.
  • Agatha Christie books: She is a really good mystery writer! My favourite series of hers is Poirot. With her books you NEVER know whats gonna come next!! "She fooled me almost every time! Well not every time, maybe once or twice, well, once, but it was a good once!"