James Cavendish was born in a wealth type house in America, during the late 40s. 1943 to be exact, but he never got to experience war growing up. James was the youngest son of Alfred and Lily Cavendish. He had one older sister, Lillian, who was 3 years older.
James’s life was not the best, compared to everyone else’s, so he thought. His parents cared for his sister more then him. He grew up with her bragging on him all the time, even when he didn’t do anything. His father was out of the house all the time, came back late at night, around 10. His mother was severe, Lillian would scream out for no reason and Mrs. Cavendish would punish James.
When James was in trouble, or wanted to get away from his family, he would run off to his ‘fort’ or lock himself in his room. One day when he was sitting and leaning against a tree, a boy came up to him. He looked about James’s age, but a little younger.
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