My "Dragnet" Playlist

13 May 2012

Mother's Day is Everyday!

You know how people say "help your mother out" on mother's day? Well i think every day is mother's day. 
We should help her out and obey her. I mean we whine and complain sometimes when she tells us to do something ...well she asks us to do something cos she needs help. Just like you would ask her to help you. 
Shes been doing stuff all threw our lives and wants help. She's cleaned out messes as babies to now probably. 
Its not just, "honor your mother today on mother's day" We should honor her EVERY day!

Would we obey or help Christ out if he wanted help? least us Christians would...
So, why not help our Mum out? Even out Dad! Father's day? Right? well every day is fathers day, every day is just titled Parent's day. Us kids should honor them and not grumble when they ask us to do stuff....They need help. Just like we ask for their help. They kindly help us. thats what we should do. Their setting examples for us to follow every day. We just got to understand. One day we will be parents, maybe, maybe not, but one day, Lord willing, and we will ask our kids to do something. You get mad at them because they grumble. Well, think of it this way, if you don't like your kids to grumble then don't do it to your parents. 

Mother's day is a special day almost like out mum's birthdays. But mother's day also the tradition is to help her and do stuff for her. (chores, ect.) We should be willing to do what we do on mother's day. 
A kid(or teen) can have so much fun with their mum by helping clean or do other stuff. 

And remember, CHrist said to "honour our father(s) and mother(s)" And Christ said that! So i think its pretty important. 

Have a wonderful mother's day...
Its not a holiday, its a day for mum. Father's day belongs to the men. ;)
Taken by Me

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Book List

  • The Outsiders: early 60s, Greasers, Socs, fights. One of my friends said it is a good book so i read it, also cos i liked the time period, 60s. its about a group of boys (Greasers, as their kind are called). the main charactor, Ponyboy, and his two older brothers, struggles with family and death, but together the group IS a family. its happy/sad.Its definetly a teen book, 13 and older. PLus i found it in the teen section of the library!
  • The Hobbit: another great story!
  • Shadows On the Sea: Same as above, it takes place during WWII. and its Adventure/mystery. A girl who staying away from home and she meets knew friends and some that dis like her. She faces struggles but when some one comes in one night...
  • Louis L'Amour books: Second or first favorite writer!
  • Lord of the Rings: the best series!
  • Jane Eyre: Read it...its about an orphan girl...thats all im gonna say. Its just so fun and mysterious!
  • How To Kill a Mockingbird: Its takes place in the 30s or 40s. The title gets a person interested in it. its a wonderful book. and very mysterious and adventurous!
  • Harry Potter
  • Hank the Cowdog series: Just a lot of laughs!! And great for the family!!
  • Bible: Only way to learn about God.
  • Agatha Christie books: She is a really good mystery writer! My favourite series of hers is Poirot. With her books you NEVER know whats gonna come next!! "She fooled me almost every time! Well not every time, maybe once or twice, well, once, but it was a good once!"